..Baby Grady..

Just a little over 3 years ago while I was still in college, I agreed to shoot a wedding for my friend Manda and her fiance Jason.  As if you haven’t heard enough about my adventures at Whirlpool Park, Manda was yet another lifeguard and friend.  She too along with a couple other of my brides and grooms this year relished in the amazing job and life we had.

So as always, I was estatic when Manda had contacted me a few months ago inquiring about maternity portraits.  They would be my first wedding couple to have a baby!  We tentatively picked out a few dates and said we would decide on an actual date and time when we got closer.  Thank you to facebook and it’s social networking, I found out that Manda’s water had broken while they were on their last mini vacation in Pittsburgh.  Needless to say she still had 7 weeks to go in her pregnancy!  They found a hospital in Pittsburgh and made sure Mom and baby were stable before transporting them to Columbus just a few days later.  At 33 weeks and 2 days Manda gave birth to baby Grady.  Weighing only 4 lbs. and 1 oz. at 17.5 inches long, he was early but healthy.  And although we missed the maternity session it was good to hear that three weeks later he was able to come home from the hospital with Manda and Jason.

Love his room decorations…

Baby Grady on Mom and Dad’s bed…

So little.

Brand new parent pictures are my favorite…

Love this one with Jason and Grady…

So precious…

Manda and Jason it was fabulous seeing you again!  I am so excited for you in this next step in both of your lives.  Enjoy baby Grady!


love, echo

~ by Echo Dearsman on October 21, 2010.

One Response to “..Baby Grady..”

  1. Adorable! Great job Echo!

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